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Signamax Complete Work Area Solution

Signamax Complete Work Area Solution


 What is the Signamax Complete Work Area Solution?

It's a factory pre-assembled work area outlet with the number of positions/ports from one to twelve, loaded with telecom modules according to the customer configuration, packaged in an individual bag with all corresponding accessories such as mounting box, icon tabs, shutters, etc., and ready for installation and termination.


What are the benefits of using the Signamax Complete Work Area Solution?

  • It helps to SAVE TIME spent in the field for unpacking each element of the work area and installing it in a faceplate or surface-mount box. Consider the following for a four-position outlet:

    - picking and unpacking four bags with telecom modules:

    4 x 5 seconds =

    20 seconds

    - picking and unpacking a bag with a faceplate:


    5 seconds

    - picking and unpacking a bag with a mounting box:


    5 seconds

    - installing four telecom modules in the faceplate:

    4 x 5 seconds =

    20 seconds



    50 SECONDS

     - On a 100-work area job installers will spend about ONE AND HALF HOURS just picking and unpacking bags with work area components. Using an equivalent Signamax Complete Work Area Solution, ONLY 5 SECONDS are required to make each work area assembly ready for termination and installation, TEN MINUTES TOTAL, saving MORE THAN AN HOUR of work time overall.
  • Guaranteed compatibility between outlet modules and faceplates/boxes;
  • It helps to ELIMINATES MISTAKES in supplying all required Work Area elements from the warehouse to the job site;
  • It helps to REDUCE WASTE such as PE bags - fewer cleanups required, less impact on the environment.


 See brochure


 See brochure


 See brochure